• Speaker


  • Plenary Speaker: Professor Brian Cantor, University of Oxford, UK
    • Brian Cantor is an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Materials at the University of Oxford and a Research Professor in the Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology at Brunel University. He was previously Vice-Chancellor of the University of York and of Bradford University, Head of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the University of Oxford, a research scientist and engineer at General Electric Research Labs in the USA, and worked briefly at Banaras Hindu University, Washington State, Northeastern, IISc Bangalore and the Kobe Institute. He founded and built up the World Technology Universities Network, the UK National Science Learning Centre, the Hull-York Medical School, and Oxford’s Begbroke Science Park. He was a long-standing consultant for Alcan, NASA and Rolls-Royce, and editor of Progress in Materials Science. He invented the new field of multicomponent high-entropy alloys and discovered the so-called Cantor alloys.

      Title:  Multicomponent High-Entropy Cantor Alloys for Recycling and Reuse

      Keynote Speaker  I: Professor Qing Wang, Director and Taishan Distinguished Professor , Institute of Advanced Engineering Materials and Structures, Taishan University, China

      Title: TBA

      Keynote Speaker  II: Professor Vladimir Fal'ko, University of Manchester, UK

    • Title: TBA

      Invited Speaker I: Professor Diogo A. Lopes Silva, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil

      Title: Using Life Cycle Engineering and Management Concepts and Tools to Achieve a Circular Economy—Real-Life Case Study Applications in the Lgnocellulosic Composite Materials Development 

      Invited Speaker II: Dr. Mirza Muhammad Faran Ashraf BaigHong Kong University of Science and Technology, China

      Title: Recent Advances of Magnetic Gold Hybrids and Nanocomposites, and Their Potential Biological Applications